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KA.CoffeeBean Ring|單品咖啡豆戒指

Regular price
NT$ 75.38
Sale price
NT$ 75.38
Regular price
NT$ 0.00




類別|Sort:SEN-KA-DNA Coffeebean Ring

材質 | Material925 silver

規格 | RIing size 國際圍(7-20號)





刻字內容 請填寫於結帳 『附註』中

國際圍戒圍測量器|Ring Measure tool

KA.CoffeeBean Ring|單品咖啡豆戒指』不僅僅是一個戒指,更是一個關於咖啡文化和多樣性的故事。

每一種咖啡品種都有著獨特的口感和風味特點,從產地到種植環境都影響著咖啡的味道。透過這個戒指,可以進一步了解和體驗這些不同的咖啡品種。『KA.CoffeeBean Ring|單品咖啡豆戒指』將咖啡豆的外觀轉化為設計元素,讓您可以透過戒指欣賞到這些獨特的咖啡品種。



"KA.CoffeeBean Ring | Single-Origin Coffee Bean Ring" is not just a ring; it's also a story about coffee culture and diversity.

Each coffee variety has its own unique taste and flavor characteristics, influenced by factors such as its place of origin and growing environment. Through this ring, you can further understand and experience these different coffee varieties. "KA.CoffeeBean Ring | Single-Origin Coffee Bean Ring" transforms the appearance of coffee beans into design elements, allowing you to appreciate the uniqueness of these coffee varieties through the ring.

We combine different coffee variety cultures, including Geisha, Typica, Pacamara, Robusta, Moca, and Bourbon, so you can have a more comprehensive understanding of coffee culture. And our deeper message is that no matter what coffee variety it is, we should respect and embrace them. Each variety has its own story, background, and reason for existing on this planet. There is no right or wrong, just like with people, even though we are different races, we should all respect each other's cultures.

▲保養方式 | Description



▲保養方式 | Description


SENCE JEW 所使用的銀為國際標準925銀為材料製作,在保養方面盡量長期配戴著,因為人體有油酯能夠保護銀飾品,防止銀飾品氧化,偶而拿拭銀布做簡易擦拭即可,泡溫泉時必定要拿下來,溫泉的硫磺會使銀飾品氧化,若不常配戴請放進夾鏈袋收好,減少與空氣的接觸。
